We can set up trucks for any purpose you may have. Some of the more interesting (and photogenic) trucks we have outfitted are for AJ’s Septic in Lisbon, NY. They also pump out septic tanks but the trucks we have prepared for them are for transporting and servicing portable toilets. On this first red truck we built the lift gate and the tanks from scratch mainly from aluminum. The lift gate not only raises and lowers, but also hydraulicly folds and can even extend to expand carrying capacity from two portable toilets to four.
The gate lowers to load the units
The gate can transport portable toilets inthe raised position.
It folds closed when not in use.
The lift gate unfolds.
We also fabricated the aluminum storage tanks for waste and fresh water.
Not a CAD user? No problem. We built this truck from this drawing.
The first truck was great but sometimes you just need more than four portapotties, so we built this Isuzu. This truck had the hydraulics for the rear gate but we built the decks and the side loading lift gate to load the center deck. Voila, a truck that can transport eight toilets to your well attended shindig.
An Isuzu truck outfitted to transport and service portable toilets.
The truck loaded with two units.
This truck has a folding lift gate and a fixed rear deck.
The lift gate folded out.
The light bar tips up so the lights are visible and simultaneously secures the base of the units.
The gate lowered and lights flipped down for loading
There’s also a flip out side lift gate.
It lowers the units right down to the ground.
All the trucks have custom hold downs that secure the portables by their bases.
We made custom mounts to reused the tank from an older truck to help reduce cost.
Some under deck storage compartments were incorporated.
It even has a custom air filter housing!
AJ’s must have liked the first two trucks because they came back for a third.

On this truck they opted for manually loading via ramps instead of lift gates.