I’ve built a few prototypes of these clear polycarbonate kayaks. Hopefully we’ll have these for sale in the not to distant future, but a bit more testing is needed first. I’ve gotten these down to about 30lbs for a 16 footer! Thats comparable with composite boats for weight! No, they are not bulletproof (polycarbonate is used in bulletproof glass) but, yes, I have nailed rocks at full speed multiple times without significant damage. This one part of the business that is still Mark’s! If you have questions or comments about kayaks contact Mark via email: markhebelwelding@gmail.com.
My friend Jemilla paddling the clear kayak
There I am paddling it.
Paddle away.
This is the first clear kayak, a bit different than the one seen in the action pictures
The kayaks have a large opening in the rear so its possible to pack large items (like my back pack). The clear canoe in the background was my first prototype boat.
The first clear kayak from the front.
Enough kayak traffic to need a stop sign? No, route 3 in Tupper Lake is under all that water during a flood.
My son Steven paddling.
They are so easy to use even a (super cute) baby can do it!

Bog River is a great place to paddle a clear kayak